Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Benefits Of Using Salicylic Acid For Warts

Warts can appear in different forms in your skin. It can also cause your skin to be affected in any area, including the private genitals. They are skin growths that are caused by the human papillomavirus. It is stated that the virus causing it is one of the 100 known types of human papillomavirus. This condition can affect the surface of the skin and it even enter an area of broken skin. The formation of warts can likely  be rapid and it may be evident in no time. It is observed to be common among young adults and children.

There are different types of warts, which are plantar warts, common warts, flat warts, peringual warts, and filiform warts among others.

You can get rid of warts in different ways. In order to give you a good solution to try, you can consider salicylic acid for warts. To give you reasons for this, you can consider the following benefits of salicylic acid for the removal of warts:

Available in Different Forms

You can ensure that if you want to treat your warts, you have different options of medications to use. For instance, you can buy salicylic acid in forms of plaster, paint, tape, patch, or even creams. This will give you the choice of convenience if you want to cure warts when necessary.

Very Effective

The solution is very effective in removing warts. It is even touted as an effective solution like the cryotherapy. Cryotherapy is a wart treatment that involves the freezing of warts and softening the skin layers. Once this is done, you will be able to get rid of the warts by filing it or scrubbing it with the use of pumice stone.  Aside from such, it is also said that salicylic acid helps in triggering the immune system response in your body in order to fight away human papillomavirus, which is responsible for the development of warts.

Variety of Treatment Options

Aside from warts, salicylic acid will also give you the solution over other skin conditions, such as dermatitis, acne, psoriasis, warts, and calluses. It is said that with the treatment, you will get a solution that is generally effective and affordable at the same time.

Easy To Use

You can use OTC products made up of salicylic acid in order to get rid of warts in your skin. The treatment is very easy to apply and you can benefit from painless and safe treatment in no time.

Free From Side Effects

Salicylic acid will also give you the advantage of removing warts without the danger of side effects. The only thing you have to remember is to prevent the contact of salicylic acid into the surrounding skin of the warts.

The above benefits of salicylic acid will give you reason to select this option for natural wart treatment. There is no denying that with the solution, you will get a home remedy that works like no other with careful heed of your safety requirement.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Top 5 Tips In Using Salicylic Acid For Warts

Warts are formations in your skin, which will likely irritate you and at the same time, cause you certain imperfections that will keep you annoyed. This condition may fade over time, but be reminded that this condition is caused by a human papillomavirus. In other words, you cannot just belittle this condition and let it spread all over your body. Bear in mind that warts can spread in any area of your body, even on your genitals.

Fortunately, there are different ways for you to treat your warts. In order to give you cost effective and working solution for your warts, you can then consider salicylic acid for warts.

Salicylic acid is a caustic substance used in order to treat different conditions, such as calluses, psoriasis, acne, corns, and of course warts. It is available in different OTC forms, such as in cream, plaster, paint, tape, and patch forms. Aside from such, it can also be bought by prescription or just by getting it over the counter.
In order to effectively use the product for wart treatment, you can consider these top 5 tips in using salicylic acid to treat warts:
  • Select the RIGHT product.
As said, there are different forms of salicylic acid treatments in the market. If you want to benefit from the solution, you should select the right preparation for your warts. In order to get the best treatment, you can simply select a solution that is specially formulated for the type of warts you are suffering from. For instance, you are suffering from plantar warts. In that case, you should assure that your salicylic acid formulation is geared for the removal of plantar warts. One good example of a salicylic acid solution is the adhesive pad solution.
  • Water soaking first.
If you want to effectively apply the medicine on your skin, let it soak in water first. This will help loosen and soften your skin. As a result, you will let the medicine penetrate well into your skin.
  • Cover the surrounding skin.
The surrounding skin of your wart must not come in contact with salicylic acid. This may cause irritation, which is why it is advised that you use a donut-shaped pad in order to cover the surrounding skin.
  • Remove dead tissues routinely.
You need to carefully use a pumice stone or file when removing the dead tissues in your skin. Be reminded that the dead tissues contain the virus. In other words, once you have used the pumice stone or file, you should no longer use it again or you should dispose it.
  • Be patient.
You have to be patient with the results provided by salicylic acid for the effect of the medicine may take several weeks. The solution will destroy every inch of warts you have until you can file the last piece of dead tissue.

The above 5 tips are the ones you have to put in mind while treating your condition. They are necessary for utmost safety and treatment.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Warts Removal With The Power Of Salicylic Acid Formulation

Salicylic acid is a formula that is capable of treating different conditions, such  as psoriasis, acne, corns, calluses, and warts among others. It is an over the counter treatment that is known for its effective solution over conditions. It is said to be an effective and affordable product that will give you freedom from plantar and common warts. It is very simple to use and you just need to follow certain doses and instructions in correctly using the solution. It is said that this solution helps in removing warts in as short as several weeks if applied regularly and correctly.


You need to bear in mind that an appropriate selection must be done if you want to treat your warts with salicylic acid effectively. There are OTC products that can treat plantar warts, which can be found on the feet soles. On the other hand, there are ones specifically made for the hands and fingers or for the common warts. If you want an easy application and treatment, it is much better to choose a specific product that works on the particular warts you are suffering from.

Why Salicylic Acid

This is always a question, but there are three different reasons why salicylic acid for warts has been mainstream. First, it is a safe and inexpensive treatment for warts. Furthermore, this solution will not cause pain or it may cause pain but in a minimal way. On the other hand, it may only be effective if you will regularly apply the salicylic acid solution for a certain period of time.

How Does It Work

The solution is considered more effective than other solutions since it is associated with minimal pain and risk. It is suggested by a recent review that this solution can eliminate up to 75% of the warts you have. The percentage is better than the placebo treatment and its 50% treatment. Until now, even cryotherapy is not proven to be more effective than salicylic acid.

Side Effects

It is proven that if you use salicylic acid solution, you may cause damage to the surrounding skin around the warts. As a response, it is much better to cover the surrounding area with a pad to assure that it won’t feel discomfort and it will not be affected during treatment.

The Disadvantages

Although the solution is considered effective, there are also pitfalls regarding its application. It is stated that if you will use salicylic acid, you need to daily apply it on your skin. Furthermore, the time it takes for providing visible results may be long before the warts diminishes. However, there is an advice that if you want to keep the warts removed quickly, you should clean the area surrounding it.

The above facts regarding wart treatment with the use of salicylic acid will give you the conclusion that you no longer need any expensive treatments just to get rid of warts. There are still affordable means, which will slough off the dead skin from your skin, including warts.